
Making our Dreams a Reality

As we rounded the corner, it finally came into view. We gasped in excitement and tears filled our eyes--the Eiffel Tower. Traveling to Paris and visiting the Eiffel Tower had been a dream of M’Recia’s since she was a young girl.

When we started dating, M’Recia shared her wish with Brent and soon he shared the desire to visit the city of lights. It always felt like a lofty, impossible dream, but we still loved to imagine what it would be like stroll along the streets of Paris, to eat in French Cafes, and to attempt to order pastries in French.
It didn’t seem real when we bought our plane tickets or booked our hotel. We pinched ourselves as we boarded the plane and giggled to ourselves when we pulled out our French phrase book and asked for a “pain au chocolat, s'il vous plaĆ®t" (a chocolate crossaint, please) at a pastry cart in the Paris airport. We felt like we were playing with monopoly money when colorful Euros shot out of the ATM. But, the moment we laid eyes on the Eiffel Tower, we knew it was all real. In that moment, we realized that dreams do come true, and that we had the power to make them happen.

Our Greatest Dream

While visiting Paris always seemed like a long shot, we always figured our dream of being a mommy and a daddy was a given. Our struggle with infertility was devastating and after 4 years we began to fear that our longing for baby was indeed impossible. We continued to move forward with our lives and pursued other desires, but our wish to have a family was always on our mind.

Our very first family photo!
We will never forget the day we heard our social worker say "If you’re serious about this, he’s yours!" We had chosen to adopt a baby boy who was born 9 weeks preemie and was waiting in Phoenix for a family. Within 24 hours, we had signed papers and were on the road. Once again, it felt too good to be true. We drove all day and arrived in Phoenix at 11 pm. We hardly slept that night knowing that we were going to meet our son.

We arrived at Phoenix children’s hospital the next morning. It felt like there were endless hallways and paperwork separating us from our baby. Finally, we were allowed into the NICU. As we rounded the corner, he finally came into view. We gasped in excitement and tears filled our eyes—our son. Through the miracle of adoption, our greatest dream had finally come true.

Brent, M'Recia, Patrick, and Puppies too! 

Family photo, Christmas 2015.
 Boy do we love our sweet little family! We believe in trying new things, spending time with our families, and making memories. We try to squeeze in every bit of goodness and fun that life has to offer. We love cuddling in bed on lazy Sunday mornings, taking our two Golden Retrievers, Belle and Beast, for walks, spending time outdoors, exploring the great state of Utah, traveling, watching movies, getting down on the floor and playing with each other, and taking a million pictures.

We know we have our Father in Heaven to thank for every blessing we have in our life. We are faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (also known as LDS or Mormon) and our lives are blessed because of it. 

About Patrick:
Patrick is a busy 2 year old boy. He loves other children and plays well with kids of all ages. We rode a train around Christmas time and he has been OBSESSED with "choo choos" ever since.  He also loves airplanes, cars, dinosaurs and harassing our dogs. He spends his days playing trains, chasing the dogs, and bossing M'Recia around. 

About M’Recia:
I have the very best job in the whole world-I get to be a stay at home momma. I can’t think of a better way to spend my time than with my charming little man. I have a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Utah State University and spent several years working as a Nursing Home Social Worker before I got promoted to Motherhood. I developed a deep love for the elderly and disabled and appreciate all the wonderful people I met along the way. I am also a photographer and run a small photography business on the side as well as spending a few hours a week working from home for a nonprofit my friends and I started call Utah Infertility Resource Center. I enjoy singing and have sung with professional choirs. There’s nothing I like more than belting out a good tune while running the vacuum or making up silly songs with Brent and Patrick. You can also find me cooking, sewing, or being silly with my sister.

About Brent:
Brent works as a Communications Specialist at a company that teaches people how to invest in real estate. He will start a Masters Program for Social Work  in the fall and plans to be a mental health counselor. Brent is an awesome daddy with an imagination as vivid as a child's. His favorite things to do with Patrick include wrestling, building blocks, and playing dinosaurs. Brent is also the "Pack Master" in our house and takes care of our dogs. At the end of the day, Brent has his 3 "kids" staring out the window and watching for his car to pull in the driveway. In his spare time, Brent likes to exercise, listen to music, write in his journal, and take relaxing baths.

Want to know more?

We love new friends! We would be delighted to get to know you too! We can be reached at brentmreciaadopt@gmail.com or at 385- 202-6418. 

We are eagerly awaiting our new dream--making Patrick a big brother!